On the Same Boat

6-month Team Development Program

Experiencing, not teaching. Relevancy. Great impact.

No more money wasted on trainings that your employees attend and then forget.

Not another workshop with information so complex that  people don`t know how to implement it.

Nothing like uniform, one-fits-all approach. 

This program is different.

Combination of tailor-made training, shadowing and coaching.

Developing self-managing, aligned, innovative teams. The program will build on the company’s key values ​​with an emphasis on creating an environment that supports innovation, creativity and responsibility. And also happiness at work.

How shall we get there:

Starting where you are now: an analysis of the current situation, what is working well and what is holding teams back.

Dreaming where you want to be and why: setting a goal, aligning visions of the company, leaders and program participants.

Selection of pilot team/s

Steps on the way: taking first steps, defining milestones.

Forms of people development: interactive mini-workshops with topics precisely tailored to the given situation = learning “just in time”, developing skills that you can immediately apply in practice, individual and team coaching – when you need to clarify something, overcome obstacles, move forward faster.

Implementation of new skills and tools: we walk with you and support you by shadowing. We are there with you when you put into practice new skills you have learned. Then we discuss what went well, what to improve and how.

Mentoring and support: we will set up the form that suits you best (e.g. mastermind group, accountability buddy, online support, laser coaching).

Regular evaluation: we collect experiences from the journey, share stories of wins, best practices, mistakes. We celebrate accomplishments because we often underestimate how far we have come.

Continuous improvement: we will be updating the program based on your feedback. Do you need to focus more on some topic? Is there any unexpected issue? Is there a problem that needs to be resolved? We create this program together, adapt it to the current situation and your needs.

Building smarter company: you keep storing experiences, stories and resources in a place where you and other teams can easily access them to get inspired. You exchange know-how and insights from the journey with like-minded companies. You are looking for various forms of cooperation and inspiration. You are building the foundation of a learning organization.

The final retreat: we will meet for two days in an inspiring environment. You will have time and space to stop, take a breath, evaluate the path you have traveled and decide how to proceed.

Your team will 

Learn competencies and gain mindset of agile, self-managing teams. They will get actionable tools that they can easily put into practice. Short, tailor-made workshops will focus on the topics most urgent and relevant in your current situation.

Implement and test out the learnings in the workplace. They will see immediate impact of their actions. Feedback from shadowing sessions will help them understand what to improve and how.

Get support in the form of group or individual coaching to speed up the desired change and to overcome  obstacles that may arise.



“Alexandra challenges our corporate conventions of management and thinking.  Her compelling ideas ring true and show us a blueprint to follow towards creating a culture of innovation and creativity.”

Linda Ugelow

Get a Free Consultation

Fill out the form today.  I`ll get back to you to schedule your free session. We`ll meet online to discuss what is the change you want to see, what are your biggest challenges and how I can help you.