Inspired Leadership for the New Century

Transformational program for senior-level executives

Greatness is a matter of conscious choice.“ Jim Collins

Are you are a leader who is over the belief that focus on a short term profit, authoritative approach to employees and beating a competition is a way to succeed?

Maybe you feel that more is possible, that there is a better way of running an organization. You value profit, people and planet equally. You want to be a leader who inspires others to live and work more purposefully. 

You are ready to lead the real transformation in your company, but wonder how to do it, where to start, which traps to avoid. 

In this rapidly changing world your and your team`s everyday reality is all about getting things done, achieving more, faster. You are under enormous pressure of your environment.

And sometimes it gets lonely at the top. You feel you don`t have time to explore and discuss what truly matters. You are wondering if there are more leaders who see things in the same way, if there are companies you can learn from, get inspiration.

This program will create much needed space where you can stop, take a deep breath, recharge. It is a luxury of relaxed yet intense time just for you.

You will gain new views and insights.

You will learn from real-life case examples from companies who transformed their culture.  

At the end of this immersive program you will have experience and tools that will help you to LEAD THE WAY IT MATTERS, you will know how to INSPIRE SELF,  INSPIRE OTHERS.

Libor Zemanek

Managing Director, Mould & Matic

6-month program includes:

  • 6 half-day in-person intensives

  • 6 full-day strategy sessions

  • 6 one-on-one coaching calls (90 minutes)

  • Course materials (beautifully designed e-books, one for each topic of the in-person intensives, include also notes and resources from strategy sessions)

  • 1-day retreat at the end of the program

  • Series of customized assignments

  • Support and accountability between sessions

BONUS: For the entire program you will have unlimited e-mail access for as-needed support.

This is the individual program – you will get undivided attention during all sessions.


Libor Zemanek

Managing Director, Mould & Matic

In-person intensives

We will focus on the following inspirational concepts: integrity, now, service, purpose, innovation, resilience, excellence.

Are they part your leadership style? What would change if they were? What do you need to focus on? Which steps can you take right away?

This will be your time for discussion, brainstorming, laser coaching, learning from interesting research. It is also the time for silence in which everything settles, which enables you to see more clearly, time when the pieces of mosaic fall into places. For each session you will receive an e-book with illustrated course materials, exercises, notes and inspiration.

You will enjoy fresh perspective and new intellectual, emotional and even physical insights. With this renewed energy you will never look at your job and life the same way again. You will be amazed what kind of new possibilities will emerge. 

I    integrity

        Good leadership relies on our ability to live our lives in alignment with our values.

        „You are what you do, not what you say you will do.” Carl Gustav Jung

N   now

         Maximize your potential and impact. Master the art of immersing fully in „here and now“.

        „The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.“ Abraham Maslow

S    service

         Shift your perspective from leading people to serving them.

        „In this moment in history, leaders are called to serve. The world needs true leaders, selfless individuals who are committed to                   creating positive changes in themselves and others.“ Anthony Robins

P    purpose

         Craft a clear and compelling vision of purposeful business and ignite in your team passion to pursue it.

        „If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach           them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I    innovation

       When old rules of the game no longer apply, it is time to embrace new ways of thinking and attitude. Enable your company           to operate at the whole new level.

       „No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein

R   resilience

        Discover how to find inner stability in the midst of accelerating chaos.

       „Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive.”             Jamais Cascio

E   excellence

        Expand awareness of inspired sustainable leadership and consistently guide your team to excellence.

       „We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.“ Aristotle


Good leadership relies on our ability to live our lives in alignment with our values.
„You are what you do, not what you say you will do.” Carl Gustav Jung

Strategy sessions

We will examine real-life case studies, best practices, results of research from organizations who transformed their culture.

What worked and what did not, how are these organizations structured, how they operate, what are the important processes and daily practices they focus on, what they dismissed and why.

You will know:  what is needed, which steps to take if you want to start transforming your organization, what results can you expect. 

One-on-one coaching calls

Opening the doors is not enough. In order to experience the desired change, the  real transformation, you need to have the courage to take the steps, to set on the journey. 

I cannot promise you that it`s always going to be easy. What I can promise though is that you will enjoy it.

Each coaching session will be a step towards your desired outcome. We will set concrete milestones but will adjust a roadmap according to a current situation so you will be always focusing on what matters most.

Final retreat

One day intensive retreat will allow you to  process the work we will  have done during the program. Experiential activities and time for relaxation will provides space for you to anchor and integrate acquired learning and experience.

„Some men see things as they are and say: „Why?“ I dream things that never were and say: „Why not?“

George Bernard Shaw